The best company for roofing, structural work, asbestos removal and insulation on the French Riviera
Since 1997, Pamther has specialized in roofing, and is committed to providing quality work to the full satisfaction of its customers. Our roofing services include renovation, repair, tile and façade treatment, attic insulation, waterproofing of flat roofs, as well as structural and zinc treatment.
Pamther is also qualified to remove asbestos from asbestos-cement roofs. The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified for its commitment to quality. Pamther also provides pest control services (deratting, disinsectisation, disinfection and mosquito control).

- Roof repair
- Repair
- Maintenance
- Skylight / Roof window
- Gutters
- Roof tiles and steel pan

- Framework installation
- Renovation
- Maintenance
- Treatment

- Roof and terrace waterproofing
- Attic insulation
- Roof asbestos removal

- Rodents
- Mosquitoes
- Cockroaches
- Bed BugsPunaises de lit
Pamther is the reference in the Var and Alpes-Maritimes areas.
Who we are
Organized into departments, Pamther offers a range of specialties for protecting and improving your home. The synergy between these activities enables PAMTHER to master a chain that brings real added value to the services offered to its customers, be they private individuals or professionals.
Thanks to these multiple links, PAMTHER offers a complete and expert range of services. We are constantly improving the quality of our work through the qualifications obtained by the skills of our staff, as well as through research and development of new related activities.
The company is also committed to an eco-responsible approach, using eco-responsible products and electric vehicles. In particular, we use green products for wood treatment and pest control.

La certification Iso 9001 : 2015
This certification guarantees that the company follows strict quality standards to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Qualifications Qualibat
for roofing work and accessories, for insulation (RGE), for asbestos removal from fibro-cement roofs, for roofing of old buildings.
Certified by FCBA
Certified by the FCBA for compliance with commercial ethics and the application of technical prescriptions for wood treatment services.

Our branches
We are present in the Var and Alpes-Maritimes regions
Historically based in St Raphaël, Pamther has continued its development in the Var (Fréjus, St Tropez, Toulon, Draguignan) and Alpes-Maritimes (Mougins). Pamther warmly thanks its customers for their loyalty and does everything in its power to ensure their satisfaction.

A zinc roofer creates and repairs roof coverings. He prepares the surface to be covered. He or she then attaches the necessary wooden parts to the roof structure. The roof can be covered with clay tiles, slate, concrete tiles, zinc, copper or aluminum. Like all trades, a roofer needs technical and theoretical grounding to be efficient and effective. He must make precise calculations for roof pitch, tile alignment, standing seam and batten roofing, hook installation and all the accessories required for efficient installation. He'll create unique pieces to suit renovation projects. He'll need to know how to bend and weld materials like zinc and copper. Training courses include CAP, BTS, BP and COMPAGNONNAGE.
The carpenter will draw, cut and assemble pieces of wood from a plan provided, often by an architect. The trade requires extensive training in dimensioning and load calculations to ensure the strength and assembly of the framework. Buildings can be high and massive. Roof carpenters can also carry out structural work on renovation projects, assembling rafters, re-cutting trusses and installing beams. Training courses include CAP, BTS, BP and COMPAGNONNAGE.
He works on new buildings and refurbishments. Most of the time, his job is to waterproof roofs, but he can also carry out waterproofing work of all kinds, such as waterproofing basements (garages), planters and so on. On a day-to-day basis, he creates flat roofs for single-family homes and apartment buildings. With new insulation standards in force, waterproofers must be able to provide high-performance insulation without thermal bridges. He is also called on to install smoke vents, skydomes and Velux windows. Like the zinc worker, he'll have to make and weld zinc parts for rainwater drains, and create the penetrations needed for ductwork, which he'll have to seal. There are many products available for waterproofing roofs. Waterproofers can work with two-layer, single-layer or liquid waterproofing systems.
His job is to treat structural timber, most of which has been worked on after the 10-year warranty period. Prior to any treatment, the applicator must analyze the condition of the wood. To do this, he must go through several phases before treating the wood in depth. The applicator must probe the wood to determine where the attack has occurred. If, when probing the wood, he discovers blistering or wood dust, he will have to lumber the diseased parts to sanitize them. If the wood remains strong enough to withstand treatment, it will be injected and sprayed.
Often associated with a waterproofing and/or roofing contractor, the lost-roof insulation installer carries out his work as part of a roof renovation or when building a new structure. He needs to know what thickness is required to insulate the roof properly. He must locate all cable trays and protect electrical installations before applying insulation. Different types of insulation can be applied, such as rolled or pulsed wool.
The job of Application Hygienist involves ensuring food quality and safety by applying current health regulations. The hygienist works in collaboration with food industry professionals to prevent and manage food safety risks.
The Hygienist's main tasks are to set up product quality control and monitoring protocols, train staff in good hygiene practices, analyze risks and implement preventive measures, and monitor regulations to ensure compliance with health standards.
The job of Specialist Asbestos Remover involves eliminating asbestos-containing materials to protect public health and the environment. Main tasks include identifying asbestos-containing materials, drawing up removal and safety plans, implementing asbestos removal techniques and disposing of hazardous waste. Skills required include knowledge of health and safety standards and regulations, as well as mastery of asbestos removal techniques and personal protective equipment.